Jul 19, 2023
ACLU Cheers House Judiciary Committee for Supporting Bills Expanding Protections for Journalists and Reining in Warrantless Government Surveillance
The ACLU now calls on the full House of Representatives to pass the PRESS Act and the Fourth Amendment Is Not For Sale Act
Jul 17, 2023
Sierra Club, Southern Border Communities Coalition, and ACLU Reach Settlement with U.S. Government in Border Wall Case Challenging the Illegal Transfer of Military Construction Funds
As part of the settlement in Sierra Club v. Biden (formerly Sierra Club v. Trump), the U.S. government agrees to halt further wall construction and mitigate environmental damage in the sites illegally funded by the Trump administration using stolen Defense Department funding.
Jun 30, 2023
ACLU Statement on President Biden’s Overdue Release of Rules Governing Drone Strikes and Lethal Force Abroad
WASHINGTON — The Biden administration has released the rules governing lethal strikes outside of recognized warzones abroad in response to lawsuits filed by the American Civil Li...
Issue Areas: National Security
May 25, 2023
ACLU Acknowledges Improvements to DOJ Racial Profiling Policy, But Says Far More is Needed
On Anniversary of President Biden’s Policing Executive Order, ACLU Disappointed by Administration’s Failure to Fully Ban Discriminatory Profiling
May 24, 2023
ACLU Applauds Court For Allowing Case Challenging FBI’s Wrongful Prosecution of Chinese American Physics Professor To Move Forward
In Xi v. United States, the Third Circuit of Appeals ruled that the Xi family’s damages claims against the U.S. government could proceed
Issue Areas: National Security
May 22, 2023
Image of the Statue of Liberty

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The American Civil Liberties Union has media staff available to handle inquiries from journalists on national issues affecting civil liberties, including questions on legislative matters that touch on civil liberties and constitutional freedoms and inquiries related to ACLU lawsuits.

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