Sep 05, 2023
ACLU Condemns Unprecedented RICO Indictment of People Protesting Construction of Controversial Police Training Center in Georgia
ATLANTA — Georgia’s attorney general has obtained indictments against more than 60 people, alleging violations of the state’s Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (...
Aug 29, 2023
ACLU Statement on Two Year Anniversary of Kabul Drone Strike
The ACLU and its partners have been representing the drone strike victims’ surviving family members and Nutrition & Education International colleagues seeking evacuation
Issue Areas: National Security
Aug 11, 2023
ACLU and EFF File Friend-of-the-Court Brief Opposing Unconstitutional Montana TikTok Ban
MISSOULA, Mont. — Today, the American Civil Liberties Union, ACLU of Montana, and the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) filed an amicus brief in the consolidated lawsuits brou...
Aug 07, 2023
ACLU Deeply Concerned by Oregon’s Passage of Unnecessary and Overbroad Law Criminalizing Domestic Terrorism
Group Says HB 2772 is Latest Example of Law Enforcement Seeking to Suppress Public Protest Via Domestic Terrorism Authorities
Jul 21, 2023
Government Releases New Court Opinions Highlighting Further Abuse of Warrantless FISA Surveillance Program
ACLU Condemns Use of Section 702 for Warrantless Spying on Americans, Immigrants, and Public Officials; Calls on Congress to Fundamentally Reform the Law
Issue Areas: National Security
Image of the Statue of Liberty

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The American Civil Liberties Union has media staff available to handle inquiries from journalists on national issues affecting civil liberties, including questions on legislative matters that touch on civil liberties and constitutional freedoms and inquiries related to ACLU lawsuits.

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