Nov 18, 2015
Baltimore Jail Settlement to Bring Major Improvements in Medical Care, Facilities
BALTIMORE – The Public Justice Center, the Law Offices of Elizabeth Alexander, and the American Civil Liberties Union today announced a settlement agreement in Duvall v. Hogan, t...
Aug 13, 2015
Connecticut Supreme Court: State May Not Kill Death Row Inmates Following Repeal of Death Penalty
The ACLU of Connecticut applauded this morning’s state Supreme Court decision holding that the Connecticut Constitution’s prohibition on cruel and unusual punishment forbids th...
Aug 06, 2015
CLASI and ACLU File Lawsuit on Behalf of Prisoners with Mental Illnesses in Solitary Confinement
Wilmington, DE – At least 100 people with mental illnesses are being held in solitary confinement by the Delaware Department of Corrections under conditions known to make mental ...
Issue Areas: Prisoners' Rights
Jul 30, 2015
ACLU Comment on Closure of Decaying and Dangerous Jail Building in Baltimore
NEW YORK – Maryland Governor Larry Hogan today announced that the state will close the Men’s Detention Center, a facility within the Baltimore city jail system whose infrastruc...
Issue Areas: Prisoners' Rights
Jun 17, 2015
New York City Must End Cash Bail System, NYCLU Testifies
NEW YORK — The New York Civil Liberties Union will today testify before the New York City Council that it must immediately abolish cash bail for New Yorkers accused of misdemeano...
Jun 11, 2015
Federal Court Holds Mississippi Responsible for Protecting Prisoners from Gang Violence Abetted by Guards
Judge finds state Department of Corrections violates prisoners’ Eighth Amendment rights by putting them at risk for injury and death.
Issue Areas: Prisoners' Rights
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