May 23, 2016
Federal Appeals Court Upholds Contempt Order Against Corrections Corporation of America
BOISE, Idaho – A federal appeals court has upheld a contempt order against Corrections Corporation of America (CCA) for violating terms of a settlement agreement over how it oper...
Court case: Kelly v. Wengler
Mar 17, 2016
ACLU Settlement in Utah Student 'Gang Sweep' Lawsuit
Salt Lake City Police and School District to Change How They Treat Students of Color and Engage in School Disciplinary Issues
Feb 10, 2016
Health Care at Women’s Prison Improved to Meet Terms of Settlement with ACLU
MILWAUKEE – The American Civil Liberties Union and the ACLU of Wisconsin today announced that the State of Wisconsin has satisfied the terms of a settlement agreement requiring f...
Issue Areas: Prisoners' Rights
Jan 27, 2016
ACLU of Indiana, Indiana Protection & Advocacy Services Announce Settlement with Department of Correction
Agreement with DOC marks fundamental, systemic change in the treatment of seriously mentally ill prisoners.
Issue Areas: Prisoners' Rights
Jan 26, 2016
ACLU Comment on President Obama’s Reforms to Solitary Confinement in Federal Prisons
WASHINGTON, DC – The U.S. Department of Justice today released its first-ever guidance on solitary confinement, Report and Recommendations Concerning the Use of Restrictive Housi...
Issue Areas: Prisoners' Rights
Jan 04, 2016
ACLU Finds Dangerous Overuse of Solitary Confinement for Nebraska Youth
Some facilities send young people to solitary for as long as three months, despite medical evidence that extreme isolation can permanently damage adolescents’ brains.
Image of the Statue of Liberty

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