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Inter-American Commission on Human Rights Hearing on Trump's Executive Orders

Last Update: March 23, 2017

What's at Stake

The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights is meeting in Washington, D.C., for a regular session covering human rights issues in North and South America. This session, the Commission will be holding, at its own initiative, a hearing on the human rights implications of President Trump’s executive orders on the Muslim and refugee ban, immigration enforcement and detention, and the approval of the Dakota Access Pipeline. 6 groups were invited to present testimony including the ACLU.

On February 8, the ACLU and the International Justice Resource Center requested to hold a special emergency hearing on the human rights implications of the Muslim and refugee ban. 37 groups joined the ACLU and IJRC in endorsing the request.

UPDATE: In an unprecedented move, the Trump administration has pulled its participation from the Commission's hearing. The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights has enjoyed the support of every adminsitration since its founding. This is a troubling indication of the adminsitration's disrespect for human rights norms and the institutions that oversee their protection. For more, see our blog.

Estados Unidos: Órdenes ejecutivas

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