Search Results for: "TSA" (20 items found)

  • TSA on the Defensive Again: Effective Security or Security Theater?
    post, March 29, 2012
  • TSA Pulls Aside Humorist Dave Barry for "Blurred Groin"
    post, November 18, 2010
  • ACLU Cautions Against New TSA Airport Spying Proposal; Says Changes Expand Program Beyond Fighting Terrorism
    press release, September 14, 2005
  • TSA and FBI Ordered to Pay $200,000 to Settle "No Fly" Lawsuit
    press release, January 25, 2006
  • Massachusetts Pilot Cleared in Court Settlement; TSA Drops Accusations Based on Secret Evidence
    press release, August 10, 2006
  • FOIA request filed by the ACLU-NC for Rebecca Gordon to the TSA in "No-Fly" Lawsuit
    document, September 14, 2005
  • FOIA request filed by the ACLU-NC for Janet Adams to the TSA in "No-Fly" Lawsuit
  • TSA Testing Face Recognition at Security Entrances, Opening Door to Massive Expansion of the Technology
    post, August 27, 2019
  • How My Lawsuit Against the TSA Made Airports Safe For the Constitution Again
    post, November 10, 2009
  • ACLU Calls for End to Secure Flight and Registered Traveler Programs, Says TSA Passenger Screening Plans Fail to Identify Threats
    press release, February 8, 2006
  • TSA Search Policies Need to Provide Security, Protect Privacy, ACLU Says; Calls on Congress to Adopt Least Intrusive, Most Effective Measures
    press release, April 4, 2006
  • TSA Acknowledgment of Receipt
    document, July 22, 2015
  • TSA Email: Please Review: 100.2 Collection of Demographic Data by Behavior Detection Officers
    document, August 14, 2019
  • TSA Emails re: Drafting of Indicators Presentation and Materials
  • TSA Email: OCC Internal Meeting re Spot Indicators
  • TSA Shouldn't Force a Bad Digital ID System on America
    post, October 31, 2023
  • TSA Email: New language for 2 Indicators
    document, August 14, 2019
  • TSA Email: NEW SPOT Referral Report Draft for SOP
  • TSA Emails FW: NEW SPOT Referral Report Draft for SOP
  • TSA National Shift Brief: Combating Racial, Ethnic and Religious Profiling