ACLU and HRW Report: Revoked: How Probation and Parole Feed Mass Incarceration in the United States

Document Date: July 31, 2020

Revoked: How Probation and Parole Feed Mass Incarceration in the United States, a new report by Human Rights Watch and the American Civil Liberties Union, finds that supervision – probation and parole – drives high numbers of people, disproportionately those who are Black and Brown, right back to jail or prison, while in large part failing to help them get needed services and resources. In states examined in the report, people are often incarcerated for violating the rules of their supervision or for low-level crimes, and receive disproportionate punishment following proceedings that fail to adequately protect their fair trial rights.

You may read the report and view the related video below:

Author: Allison Frankel (@abfrankel)

Press Coverage: Columbia News | The Crime Report | Decarceration Nation | Eurasia Review

Articles/Blogs Written By Author: "The Problem with Probation and Parole" - The Progressive Magazine | "Politicians Have No Place Making Parole Decisions for Young People" - ACLU | "Three People Share How Ankle Monitoring Devices Fail, Harm, and Stigmatize" - ACLU

Related Advocacy/Litigation: ACLU Files Lawsuit Challenging PA. County's Abusive Probation and Parole Detention System | Rethinking Electronic Monitoring: A Harm Reduction Guide


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