Dec 15, 2020
ACLU of Indiana Calls on Holcomb for Equitable COVID-19 Vaccination Plan
INDIANAPOLIS – The ACLU of Indiana, The Bail Project, Indiana Black Expo, Immigrant Welcome Center, Greater Indianapolis NAACP Branch 3053, Public Advocates in Community re-E...
Issue Areas: Prisoners' Rights
Dec 11, 2020
Dec 09, 2020
ACLU-MN Sues Federal Prison over Handling of COVID-19
WASECA COUNTY, Minn. — Aaryana Malcolm got so weak from COVID-19, other inmates at the Waseca federal women’s prison had to help her eat, shower and fill out requests for medic...
Issue Areas: Prisoners' Rights
Dec 09, 2020
ACLU of Alabama Comment on DOJ Lawsuit Against ADOC
Today, the Department of Justice filed suit against the Alabama Department of Corrections. JaTaune Bosby, executive director, said: “For years, currently and formerly incarc...
Issue Areas: Prisoners' Rights
Dec 03, 2020
Advocates and Public Health Experts Call on Carney and DOC to Make Urgent Changes to Mitigate COVID Outbreak
WILMINGTON, Del. — On Tuesday, December 1, the Delaware Department of Correction (DOC) announced 471 positive cases in DOC facilities between incarcerated people, correctional st...
Issue Areas: Prisoners' Rights
Dec 03, 2020
Court Slams ICE for Handling of COVID at Mesa Verde
Blistering Order Cites Lies and ‘Deliberate Indifference’ to the Safety of Detainees
Issue Areas: Prisoners' Rights
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