Apr 05, 2023
Idaho Attorney General Prohibits Out-of-State Referrals for Abortion; Health Care Providers Sue
BOISE, ID — Today, a group of health care providers and advocates sued to stop Idaho Attorney General Labrador from applying a legal opinion in which he claims that health care p...
Issue Areas: Reproductive Freedom
Apr 05, 2023
ACLU Sues Indiana Over Ban on Health Care for Transgender Youth
INDIANAPOLIS, Ind. — The American Civil Liberties Union and the ACLU of Indiana today filed a lawsuit on behalf of four transgender youth and their families, as well as a doctor ...
Issue Areas: LGBTQ Rights
Apr 03, 2023
Judge Strikes Down Unconstitutional “Fake News” Law in Puerto Rico
The law would have made it a crime to share information the government deemed false about emergencies in Puerto Rico, including the COVID-19 pandemic and hurricanes
Issue Areas: Free Speech
Apr 03, 2023
ACLU Statement on Second Chance Month
WASHINGTON — April is Second Chance Month, bringing awareness to the barriers to re-entry that formerly incarcerated people face when returning to our communities, and the scarci...
Issue Areas: Smart Justice
Mar 30, 2023
ACLU Sues Saucon Valley School District for Prohibiting After School Satan Club from Meeting in District Facilities
HELLERTOWN, Pa. — The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), the ACLU of Pennsylvania, and Dechert LLP filed a lawsuit in federal court today against the Saucon Valley School Dis...
Issue Areas: Religious Liberty
Mar 30, 2023
ACLU Seeks Public Records Regarding Access to Critical Legal Resources in ICE Detention
WASHINGTON — The American Civil Liberties Union submitted a public records request today, under the Freedom of Information Act, to obtain documents regarding the quality and avai...
Issue Areas: Immigrants' Rights
Image of the Statue of Liberty

About the ACLU

The American Civil Liberties Union has media staff available to handle inquiries from journalists on national issues affecting civil liberties, including questions on legislative matters that touch on civil liberties and constitutional freedoms and inquiries related to ACLU lawsuits.

To schedule an interview with an ACLU expert, email media@aclu.org or leave a voicemail at (212) 549-2666.

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Local inquiries should be directed to the appropriate ACLU state affiliate.

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