Jul 03, 2023
Federal Court Blocks Florida Law that Targets Voter Registration, Civic Engagement, and Political Speech 
TALLAHASSEE, Fla. — A federal court today blocked a provision of a new Florida law, SB 7050, which undermines community-based organizations performing voter registration. The law...
Jun 30, 2023
ACLU Comment on U.S. Supreme Court Action in Ohio Partisan Gerrymandering Case
WASHINGTON — The U.S. Supreme Court today instructed the Ohio Supreme Court to reconsider a previous ruling that required Ohio’s congressional map be redrawn over unconstitutio...
Issue Areas: Voting Rights
Court case: Huffman v. Neiman
Jun 27, 2023
ACLU Comment on Supreme Court Ruling in North Carolina Redistricting Case
WASHINGTON — In a 6-3 decision, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that the U.S. Constitution’s Elections Clause does not allow state legislatures to ignore their own state constitut...
Issue Areas: Voting Rights
Jun 26, 2023
Supreme Court Lifts Temporary Halt on Federal Lawsuit Challenging Louisiana’s Discriminatory Congressional Maps 
WASHINGTON — The U.S. Supreme Court today lifted a temporary halt on a federal lawsuit challenging Louisiana’s discriminatory congressional maps. The action sends the case, Rob...
Issue Areas: Voting Rights
Court case: Robinson v. Landry
Jun 09, 2023
Civil Rights Groups Seek to Lift Stay in Federal Lawsuit Challenging Louisiana’s Discriminatory State Legislative Maps on Heels of U.S. Supreme Court Alabama Decision 
BATON ROUGE, La. — The American Civil Liberties Union, ACLU of Louisiana, Legal Defense Fund (LDF), law firm Cozen O’ Connor, and Louisiana attorneys Ron Wilson and John Adcock...
Issue Areas: Voting Rights
Jun 08, 2023
Historic Win: U.S. Supreme Court Rules Alabama’s Congressional Map Violates the Voting Rights Act by Diluting Black Political Power 
WASHINGTON — In a historic win for voting rights, the U.S. Supreme Court today ruled in Allen v. Milligan in favor of Black voters who challenged Alabama’s 2021-enacted congres...
Issue Areas: Voting Rights
Court case: Allen v. Milligan
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