Mar 18, 2021
NYCLU on the Humane Alternatives to Long-Term Solitary Confinement (HALT) Act’s Passage in the NYS Legislature
ALBANY, N.Y. – The New York State Senate and Assembly passed the Humane Alternatives to Long-Term Solitary Confinement (HALT) Act, a bill that will prevent some of the most harmf...
Issue Areas: Prisoners' Rights
Mar 05, 2021
LGBTQ Civil Rights Coalition Condemns Trans Abuse in Michigan Prisons and Jails
DETROIT – Today an LGBTQ civil rights coalition is calling on the State of Michigan to formally investigate serious allegations involving the rape and further abuse of a transgen...
Feb 26, 2021
Judge Orders ICE to Develop Vaccination Plan for People in ICE Custody in New York
BUFFALO, N.Y. — Yesterday, the Western District of New York ordered ICE to develop a vaccination plan for people detained by ICE in the Buffalo Federal Detention Facility in Bata...
Issue Areas: Prisoners' Rights
Feb 25, 2021
Judge Holds Arizona Department of Corrections in Contempt for the Second Time in Three Years
Over $1 Million Contempt Order Affirms the Rights of Incarcerated People to Adequate Health Care
Issue Areas: Prisoners' Rights
Court case: Jensen v. Thornell
Feb 08, 2021
Closure of Northern Correctional Institution Would be Historic Step Forward
State must reinvest money saved by prison’s closure into programs for people harmed by mass incarceration
Issue Areas: Prisoners' Rights
Feb 08, 2021
ACLU of West Virginia Report Examines Alarmingly High Regional Jail Death Rate, Calls for Reduction in Overcrowding
CHARLESTON, W.Va. – West Virginia has some of the nation’s deadliest jails, with alarmingly high rates of suicide, homicide, and drug overdose deaths, according to a new report...
Issue Areas: Prisoners' Rights
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