Jan 16, 2024
U.S. Supreme Court Declines to Hear Challenge to Title IX Victory for Transgender Rights
WASHINGTON – The United States Supreme Court has declined to review a federal court ruling in favor of a transgender student and his family challenging a discriminatory restroom ...
Issue Areas: LGBTQ Rights
Jan 09, 2024
Comment on Biden Administration Partial Repeal of Unlawful Trump Rule Allowing Refusals of Health Care
WASHINGTON — The Biden administration announced it would partially repeal a dangerous and unnecessary Trump-era rule, which numerous courts had declared unlawful, that would have...
Dec 27, 2023
Families Block Idaho Law Banning Health Care for Transgender Youth
BOISE – In a victory for families of transgender youth and their medical providers, a federal judge has preliminarily blocked enforcement of HB 71, an Idaho law banning gender-af...
Issue Areas: LGBTQ Rights
Court case: Poe v. Labrador
Dec 15, 2023
Appeals Court Declines To Rule Against Connecticut’s Inclusive Policy for Transgender Athletes
NEW YORK CITY – In a Title IX case brought by cisgender plaintiffs challenging Connecticut’s inclusive student athletic policy, the Second Circuit sent the case back to the...
Dec 14, 2023
Virginia Supreme Court Reinstates Case Seeking to Allow Misgendering of Transgender Students
RICHMOND, Va. — The Supreme Court of Virginia issued a ruling today reinstating a case brought by a public school teacher seeking the right to mistreat transgender students by re...
Issue Areas: LGBTQ Rights
Dec 12, 2023
Lawsuit Challenges D.C. Transit Authority for Violating the First Amendment
Complaint alleges that WMATA unlawfully rejected controversial ads
Image of the Statue of Liberty

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