Jun 11, 2020
ACLU Comment on Trump ICC Sanctions Order
WASHINGTON — President Trump today issued an executive order authorizing economic sanctions and travel restrictions against International Criminal Court personnel and their famil...
Sep 10, 2019
ACLU Comment on John Bolton Departure
WASHINGTON — President Trump today announced National Security Advisor John Bolton’s departure over disagreements. Below is comment from Jamil Dakwar, director of the American ...
Issue Areas: Human Rights
Aug 15, 2019
ACLU Petitions Court to Vacate Wrongful Convictions of Jamaican Fishermen
Petition filing complements ongoing litigation against the United States Coast Guard for kidnapping and abusive treatment of four Jamaican men
Issue Areas: Human Rights
Jun 12, 2019
ACLU Sues Coast Guard for Kidnapping, Abusive Treatment of Jamaican Fishermen
Men Suffered Burns, Trauma, and Financial Ruin Due to Month-Long Forced Detention At Sea
Court case: Weir v. U.S.
May 31, 2018
ACLU Statement on CIA Torture Program Rulings From European Court of Human Rights
STRASBOURG, France — The European Court of Human Rights today found Lithuania and Romania were complicit in the CIA’s illegal torture and rendition programs. The decisions were...
Apr 30, 2018
ACLU Comment on Central American Families Waiting to Apply for Asylum at Border
WASHINGTON — Fifty asylum-seekers from Central America are waiting at the border near San Diego to be processed by the federal government. U.S. and international law dictate that...
Image of the Statue of Liberty

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