Jan 22, 2016
ACLU Comment on Idaho Court’s Dismissal of Lawsuit Over Public Defense Crisis
BOISE – Idaho’s District Court of the Fourth Judicial District dismissed Tucker et al. v. State of Idaho et al., a class-action lawsuit against the state of Idaho over its unco...
Issue Areas: Criminal Law Reform
Jan 15, 2016
ACLU Sues Over Public Defender Shortage and Resulting Wait List in New Orleans
Unstable, Inadequate Funding Causes Public Defender Shortage, Putting Those Who Are Arrested and Can’t Afford an Attorney in Legal Limbo
Court case: Yarls v. Bunton
Dec 23, 2015
ACLU of NH Challenges State Prison Ban on Mailed Christmas Cards, Prayer Cards, and Children’s Drawings
“We do not doubt that Suboxone is a problem in New Hampshire’s prisons. But the Department of Corrections must address this problem without indiscriminately banning innocent s...
Issue Areas: Criminal Law Reform
Dec 21, 2015
Study Documents Extreme Racial Disparity in Arrests for Low-Level Offenses
In four test cities, Blacks were 2.6 to 9.6 times more likely than Whites to be arrested for loitering, disorderly conduct, trespassing, and marijuana possession.
Oct 06, 2015
ACLU Comment on First Release of Federal Prisoners After Changes in Draconian Drug Laws
WASHINGTON, DC – The Department of Justice announced that 6,000 federal prisoners will be released between October 30 and November 2, some to halfway houses.They are eligible for...
Sep 29, 2015
Civil rights groups oppose police officer’s immunity in killing of unarmed, innocent Framingham grandfather
BOSTON – Several leading civil rights groups have today weighed in on a lawsuit stemming from a 2011 SWAT team raid on a Framingham home that killed Eurie Stamps, an unarmed, inn...
Issue Areas: Criminal Law Reform
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