Sep 08, 2023
ACLU Celebrates Senate Doing Its Job and Appointing a Fifth FCC Commissioner
WASHINGTON — After being deadlocked for over two years, Congress finally confirmed a fifth commissioner of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) yesterday. With the confirm...
Aug 30, 2023
Sex Workers and Legal Advocates File Federal Trade Commission Complaint Against Mastercard
WASHINGTON – The American Civil Liberties Union, Hacking//Hustling, and a coalition of sex-worker-led, anti-trafficking, and LGBTQ organizations urge the Federal Trade Commission...
Aug 06, 2023
After Third Wrongful Arrest, ACLU Slams Detroit Police Department for Continuing to Use Faulty Facial Recognition Technology
DETROIT —According to a new lawsuit, the Detroit Police Department has wrongly arrested yet another person based on a faulty facial recognition match. Porcha Woodruff, who was ei...
Jul 19, 2023
ACLU Cheers House Judiciary Committee for Supporting Bills Expanding Protections for Journalists and Reining in Warrantless Government Surveillance
The ACLU now calls on the full House of Representatives to pass the PRESS Act and the Fourth Amendment Is Not For Sale Act
Jul 14, 2023
ACLU Supports Challenge to Arkansas Law that Places Unconstitutional Age-Verification and Parental Consent Requirements on Social Media Users
Arkansas’s so-called “Social Media Safety Act” stifles freedom of expression online by requiring users to verify their ages and, if under 18, obtaining explicit parental consent before using social media.
Jul 13, 2023
ACLU Condemns Senate Vote on Bill Forcing Internet Companies to Spy on Users for the DEA
The Cooper Davis Act would require tech companies to report users they suspect of drug activity to the government
Image of the Statue of Liberty

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The American Civil Liberties Union has media staff available to handle inquiries from journalists on national issues affecting civil liberties, including questions on legislative matters that touch on civil liberties and constitutional freedoms and inquiries related to ACLU lawsuits.

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