Jun 15, 2022
New ACLU/GHRC Report Finds Widespread Coercion and Exploitation of Incarcerated Workers Nationwide
NEW YORK — Incarcerated workers in American prisons generate billions of dollars worth of goods and services annually but are paid pennies per hour without proper training or opp...
Apr 29, 2022
ACLU Files Lawsuit Against NC Department of Public Safety for Inhumane Treatment of Incarcerated Transgender Woman
Despite the medical findings of health care providers engaged by DPS, prison officials continue to deny gender-affirming care to Kanautica Zayre-Brown
Sep 21, 2021
ACLU Urges Biden Administration to Cut Ties with Private Prison Operation in Downtown San Diego
City of McFarland in Kern County Figures into For-Profit Operator GEO’s Scheme to Circumvent Biden’s Executive Order to End Renewals of Contracts
Sep 21, 2021
Civil Rights Groups Representing People Detained at the Broward Jail Ask Court to Enforce its Order Requiring Health and Safety Precautions against COVID-19
Despite the Continued Surge of COVID-19 Cases, the Jail has Failed to Improve Health Conditions for its Staff and the Thousands of Incarcerated People in its Custody as Mandated by a 2021 Consent Decree
Issue Areas: Prisoners' Rights
Sep 10, 2021
Advocates Renew Calls for Governor Mills to Close Long Creek
The calls come after reports of guards continuing to use dangerous force against incarcerated young people
Sep 07, 2021
Image of the Statue of Liberty

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