Nov 08, 2023
NJ Advocacy Organizations Hand-Deliver a Lame Duck Agenda to State Legislative District Offices
NEWARK – New Jersey advocates are organizing a state-wide day of action to hand-deliver a Lame Duck agenda to legislators across the state, pressing them to pass critical legisla...
Nov 07, 2023
ACLU Statement on Reproductive Freedom Victories in the 2023 Elections
NEW YORK — Voters across the country showed up at the polls today to support the right to abortion and create critical protections for women and pregnant people to make the best ...
Issue Areas: Reproductive Freedom
Nov 07, 2023
Immigration Advocates, Community Allies Rally to Demand End to Asylum Ban
Rally came as Ninth Circuit Court in Pasadena heard oral arguments in the legal challenge against Biden’s asylum ban
Nov 07, 2023
ACLU Applauds Introduction of Bipartisan Government Surveillance Reform Act to Rein in Warrantless Government Surveillance
Sens. Wyden and Lee’s Bill Would Protect Americans Against Several Types of Warrantless U.S. Government Surveillance
Nov 06, 2023
ACLU Strongly Condemns Anti-Palestinian Immigration Bill
Group calls on lawmakers to reject harmful policy, support Temporary Protected Status for Palestinians as violence continues in Gaza
Nov 03, 2023
ACLU Calls on White House, U.S. Senate Leaders to Protect Asylum System from Attacks in Budget Negotiations
WASHINGTON — Today, Anthony D. Romero, executive director of the American Civil Liberties Union, issued the following statement in response to emerging reports that the White Hou...
Image of the Statue of Liberty

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