Apr 25, 2016
ACLU and Southern Coalition for Social Justice Condemn Ruling in North Carolina Voting Lawsuit
WINSTON-SALEM, N.C. —The American Civil Liberties Union and Southern Coalition for Social Justice condemned today’s federal court ruling upholding provisions of North Carol...
Issue Areas: Voting Rights
Apr 12, 2016
Federal Appeals Court Revives Challenge to Wisconsin’s Voter ID Law
CHICAGO – A federal appeals court has directed a lower court to consider the claims of voters who have trouble obtaining identification under Wisconsin’s strict voter ID law. D...
Issue Areas: Voting Rights
Apr 04, 2016
ACLU Comment on US Supreme Court Ruling in Major Voting Rights Case
WASHINGTON — The U.S. Supreme Court unanimously ruled in Evenwel v. Abbott that states can count all residents in drawing election districts. The American Civil Liberties Union f...
Issue Areas: Voting Rights
Court case: Evenwel v. Abbott
Feb 18, 2016
ACLU Files Lawsuit on Behalf of Thousands of Kansans Blocked From Voting Over Illegal Documentation Requirement
KANSAS CITY, Kan. — Kansans trying to register to vote at their state Department of Motor Vehicles offices are illegally being forced to provide additional documentation of citiz...
Issue Areas: Voting Rights
Jan 15, 2016
Court Strikes Down Kansas' Two-Tiered Voter Registration System
TOPEKA, Kan. – A state court has struck down Kansas’ two-tiered voter registration system, ruling that Secretary of State Kris Kobach’s office overstepped its legal a...
Issue Areas: Voting Rights
Court case: Belenky v. Kobach
Jan 11, 2016
Federal Trial Begins Over Voting Rights in Ferguson, Missouri
ACLU: Ferguson-Florissant School District's Electoral Process Undermines African-American Vote
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