Mar 04, 2016
Imprisoned Author at Guantánamo Granted Review Hearing
Long-Delayed Hearing Could Lead to Mohamedou Slahi’s Release
Issue Areas: National Security
Feb 29, 2016
Federal Judge in New York Denies Government Request to Unlock Apple iPhone
BROOKLYN, N.Y. – A federal judge today denied the government’s request to order Apple to unlock an iPhone in a criminal investigation. The government had asked for the orde...
Issue Areas: National Security
Feb 29, 2016
Federal Court Blocks Indiana's Attempts to Interfere With Syrian Refugee Resettlement
CONTACT: Inga Sarda-Sorensen, 212-284-7347, INDIANAPOLIS — A federal court has denied Indiana’s effort to prevent resettlement of Syrian refugee fa...
Feb 23, 2016
ACLU Statement on Guantánamo Closure Plan
WASHINGTON — The White House released a plan today to close the prison at Guantánamo. Anthony D. Romero, the executive director of the American Civil Liberties Union, had this r...
Issue Areas: National Security
Jan 20, 2016
16 States & DC Introduce Legislation to Limit Surveillance and Protect Student and Employee Privacy
Nationwide Effort Aims to Empower Americans to “Take Control” of Their Privacy
Jan 14, 2016
ACLU Comment on Senators Joining Bipartisan Visa Waiver Fix Effort
WASHINGTON — Lawmakers in the Senate have joined leaders in the House in introducing federal legislation to fix a new law that imposes discriminatory travel restrictions on dual ...
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