Oct 27, 2015
ACLU of South Carolina Comment on Video of Violence Against Student by School Resource Officer
CHARLESTON – Cell phone videos surfaced on social media today of a school resource officer at Spring Valley High School in Columbia, South Carolina, using excessive force on a fe...
Oct 06, 2015
Lawsuit Challenges Benton County’s Modern-Day Debtors’ Prison
Suit Says County Violates Constitution by Jailing People Who Are Too Poor to Pay Court-Imposed Debts
Sep 30, 2015
ACLU Comment on Education Secretary's Call to Invest in Teachers Instead of Prisons
WASHINGTON — U.S. Education Secretary Arne Duncan gave a speech at the National Press Club calling upon the country to invest in teachers instead of prisons. He said it was time ...
Issue Areas: Racial Justice
Aug 16, 2015
ACLU Comment on the Passing of Civil Rights Hero Julian Bond
NEW YORK – Julian Bond, the former head of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People and civil rights icon, died on Saturday night. He was 75. Anthony D....
Issue Areas: Racial Justice
Jun 25, 2015
ACLU Comment on Supreme Court Ruling in Housing Discrimination Case
WASHINGTON – In a 5-4 decision, the U.S. Supreme Court today ruled that the 1968 Fair Housing Act continues to protect victims of discrimination, even where they cannot prove int...
Jun 23, 2015
ACLU Study Spotlights Tale of Two Economic Recoveries for Black and White Homeowners
Racial Wealth Gap Grows Dramatically, Leaving Black Families at Severe Economic Disadvantage
Issue Areas: Racial Justice
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