Jun 02, 2016
Jun 01, 2016
Settlement Reached in Lawsuit Ending Benton County’s Modern-Day Debtors’ Prison
Settlement Reached in Lawsuit Ending Benton County’s Modern-Day Debtors’ Prison
Issue Areas: Racial Justice
Mar 17, 2016
ACLU Settlement in Utah Student 'Gang Sweep' Lawsuit
Salt Lake City Police and School District to Change How They Treat Students of Color and Engage in School Disciplinary Issues
Mar 15, 2016
Biloxi and ACLU Settle Lawsuit Over Jailing of Indigent People
BILOXI, Miss. — The American Civil Liberties Union and the city of Biloxi have settled a federal lawsuit that alleged the jailing of people unable to pay court-ordered fines and ...
Issue Areas: Racial Justice
Feb 22, 2016
Federal Court Again Backs Native American Families in ACLU Lawsuit
RAPID CITY, S.D. — A federal court has dealt another blow to defendants in an American Civil Liberties Union lawsuit over the rights of Native American families in South Dakota. ...
Image of the Statue of Liberty

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The American Civil Liberties Union has media staff available to handle inquiries from journalists on national issues affecting civil liberties, including questions on legislative matters that touch on civil liberties and constitutional freedoms and inquiries related to ACLU lawsuits.

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