May 01, 2017
ACLU Comment on Supreme Court Ruling in Fair Housing Act Banking Case

WASHINGTON — In a 5-3 decision, the Supreme Court reaffirmed that when housing discrimination harms a city’s residents and tax base, the city can sue under the Fair Housing Act...
Issue Areas: Racial Justice
Mar 08, 2017
ACLU Statement on Congress’ First Steps to Repeal Obamacare
WASHINGTON — Two congressional committees are advancing legislation today to repeal the Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare. This is the first concrete step Congress is ...
Jan 24, 2017
President Trump Issues Executive Order Allowing Construction of Dakota Access Pipeline
STANDING ROCK INDIAN RESERVATION, N.D. — President Trump issued an executive order today to allow the construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline through the Standing Rock Indian ...
Issue Areas: Racial Justice
Nov 04, 2016
ACLU Urges Justice Department to Investigate Militarized Response at Standing Rock Protest
ACLU and Leadership Conference Call for End to Law Enforcement Response to Peaceful Protestors With Weapons of War
Oct 31, 2016
New City Suspension Data Shows Suspensions are Down but Racial Disparities Persist
The New York City Department of Education today released school suspension data for the full 2015-16 year. The numbers show that, while suspensions continue to decline, severe raci...
Issue Areas: Racial Justice
Oct 03, 2016
ACLU And 90 Organizations Press Justice Department for Data on Fatal Police Shootings
WASHINGTON — Ninety-six organizations sent a letter today spearheaded by the American Civil Liberties Union pressing the Department of Justice on the need for states and law enfo...
Image of the Statue of Liberty

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