Feb 20, 2024
Response to Death of Nex Benedict From Bridge v. Oklahoma State Board of Education Legal Team
OKLAHOMA CITY — In response to the death of 16-year-old Owasso High School student Nex Benedict following an assault in the school restroom, the American Civil Liberties Union, t...
Issue Areas: LGBTQ Rights
Feb 20, 2024
ACLU of Louisiana Responds to the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals Decision in Brown v. Pouncy
The court upheld Louisiana’s outlier statute of limitations, holding that Louisianians who are victims of unconstitutional conduct have only one year to file a federal civil rights lawsuit
Feb 20, 2024
ACLU of Kansas warns state legislators considering bills attacking Kansans’ right to vote
TOPEKA, KAN. – As state lawmakers consider multiple election-related bills, the ACLU of Kansas is warning against each bill’s negative impact on Kansas voters, but also against...
Issue Areas: Voting Rights
Feb 14, 2024
ACLU, ACLU of Northern California Urge Court to Continue to Block Unconstitutional Restriction on Online Publication, Recognize Importance of Consumer Privacy Laws
The California Age-Appropriate Design Code Act was framed as a law to protect children’s privacy online, but it is actually a content-based regulation of free speech.
Feb 14, 2024
ACLU Urges Congress to Vote NO on Section 702 Reauthorization if Widely Supported Civil Liberties Protections Aren’t Included
Vital reforms to Section 702 include safeguards that would require a warrant to access Americans’ data
Issue Areas: National Security
Image of the Statue of Liberty

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