at liberty podcast

At Liberty is a weekly podcast that explores the most pressing civil rights and civil liberties questions of our time. Catch new episodes on Thursday at 9am ET.

We generate droves of personal data every time we use the apps on our phones, make a call, make an online purchase. We all hope that data is kept private, hidden away from people or...

This week, we’re revisiting one of our year-end favorites, a conversation about ACLU staffers’ favorite holiday movies. So grab some popcorn and enjoy the show. We’ll see you again in 2021. 

How to sum up 2020? Stressful? Uncertain? Hard? If you’re like some ACLU staffers, one note of help came quite literally from listening to music. For a special year-end holiday episode, we asked a few...

The 2020 election was notable for a lot of reasons, but one winner really stood out: drug legalization. Five states legalized either medicinal or adult use of marijuana. Oregon and D.C. went even further and...

The holidays can be a challenging time for many. One of the reasons for the extra anxiety we may feel is due to the kinds of conversations and sometimes, conflict, that can come up when...

Please note that this episode contains conversation around sexual violence.

Thanksgiving is a holiday framed by our history books as a joyful celebration between those who arrived on the Mayflower to Plymouth, Massachusetts and the indigenous Americans already living on the land. In reality, the...

As of now, we know the status of two of the three branches of the federal government. We have President-elect Joe Biden in the executive and an even more conservative majority in the Supreme Court...

In early October, the United States Labor Department reported that women were leaving the workforce at four times the rate of men. A few months earlier, a report from McKinsey Global revealed that while women...

The Trump campaign is pursuing legal challenges in battleground states as the pathways to President Trump’s reelection narrow. These challenges involve attempts to stop or challenge the vote count. And because of the record number...