
La Promesa de America - Transcript

Document Date: October 12, 2004

No importa si usted es la primera generación para llegar aquí?

O si fue sus abuelos o vis-abuelos quienes vinieron aqui para una vida mejor.

Todos sentimos un gran orgullo por vivir en los Estados Unidos de America.

Y cuando los terroristas nos atacaron, el 11 de septiembre, fuimos una nación.

Porque nadie tiene el poder de disminuir la promesa que es y siempre será America.

Para asegurar eso, se unieron líderes del partido Demócrata y del partido Republicano para formar la Comisión del 11 de septiembre.

La comisión recomendó una serie de reformas para mantener la seguridad de nuestro país.

Pero los Republicanos en el Congreso están abusando esta legislación – poniendo enmiendas anti-inmigratorias, que niega nuestros derechos y niega justicia.

La Comisión ha pedido que los Republicanos quitan estas enmiendas.

Nosotros sabemos que los trabajadores que vienen aqui no son terroristas – son padres y madres buscando una vida mejor para sus hijos.

Llame al Senador John Kyl a 1-800-839-5276. Pidale que respete a las recomendaciones de la Comisión y que quitan las enmiendas anti-inmigratorias.

English Translation

It doesn’t matter if you’re the first generation to arrive here?

…Or if it was your grandparents or great-grandparents who came here for a better life.

We all feel a great sense of pride to live in the United States of America.

And when terrorists attacked us on September 11th, we were one nation.

Because no one has the power to diminish the promise that is and always will be America.

To ensure this, leaders of the Democratic and Republican parties came together to form the 9-11 Commission.

The Commission recommended a series of reforms to keep our country safe and secure.

But Republican leaders in Congress are abusing this legislation – adding anti-immigration amendments that deny our rights, and deny us justice.

Both the Commission and 9/11 families have asked the Republican leadership to drop these amendments.

It’s time for Senator Jon Kyl to join them. So call Senator Kyl, at 1-800-839-5276. Ask him to protect our rights by opposing the anti-immigration amendments in the 9-11 bill.

Alternate versions:


It’s time for Senator John Ensign to join them. So call Senator Ensign, at 1-800-839-5276. Ask them to protect our rights by opposing the anti-immigration amendments in the 9-11 bill.


It’s time for Senators Bob Graham and Bill Nelson to join them. So call Senators Graham and Nelson, at 1-800-839-5276. Ask them to protect our rights by opposing the anti-immigration amendments in the 9-11 bill.


It’s time for Senator Pete Domenici to join them. So call Senator Domenici, at 1-800-839-5276. Ask them to protect our rights by opposing the anti-immigration amendments in the 9-11 bill.


It’s time for Senators Ben Nighthorse Campbell and Wayne Allard to join them. So call Senators Campbell and Allard, at 1-800-839-5276. Ask them to protect our rights by opposing the anti-immigration amendments in the 9-11 bill.

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