
GSA Mission Statement Examples

Document Date: October 4, 2011

If you are a student at a public high school trying to start a gay-straight alliance (GSA) club at your school, you may be required to write a mission statement for your club. A mission statement is simply a statement of the purpose of your GSA. It can be as short as one or two sentences and probably shouldn’t be longer than two paragraphs. Think about why you want your GSA to exist, and check out examples of mission statements from existing GSA’s to get some inspiration.

Here are a few good examples we found online from existing GSA clubs around the U.S.:

Lemont High School, Lemont, Illinois

“Our mission is to work towards a more accepting environment for all people, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity through education, support, social action, and advocacy. We believe that schools can be truly safe ONLY when every student is assured of access to an education without fear of harassment or violence.”

New Paltz High School, New Paltz, New York

“To promote tolerance and acceptance throughout the school community and to provide a safe, non-judgmental space as a support network for Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender, Questioning, and Straight youth who share a common vision of social equality.”

Miramar High School, Miramar, Florida

“Here at Miramar High School, our Gay-Straight Alliance brings together gay youth and straight allies to fight homophobia on campus and in the community through the pursuit of knowledge, by educating the community about different sexual and gender identities, by linking homophobia with other oppressions, and by coming together as a single unit to form a wall against harassment. The GSA brings students together to meet new people, hang out, and grasp different points of view.

“Through our activities, we aim to reduce any feelings of isolation and depression that students may experience, whatever their sexual or gender identity may be. We welcome all students to participate in our after-school events, and to come talk about any issues concerning bullying or harassment due to prejudice and discrimination. Members can also air personal issues in an atmosphere of confidentiality. We are here to support one another, share resources, learn together, and have fun! Come join us!”

Great Mills High School, Great Mills, Maryland

“As the Gay Straight Alliance of GMHS, it is our mission to bring together and recognize lesbian, gay, bi-sexual, transgender and straight youth in a positive and non-judgmental environment where they can fully express their individuality and share experiences. In addition, it is also our intent to create alliances that increase awareness, decrease prejudices and create a safe school atmosphere for all.”

Brunswick High School, Brunswick, Maine

“The Goal of the Brunswick High School Gay-Straight Alliance (GSA) is to provide an alliance between all members of the community regardless of sexual orientation. By building a community based on tolerance and acceptance, we strive for a world in which the personal happiness of every one person is the priority of all people. We will attempt to foster connections between any and all diverse groups, including the myriad of personal, religious, ethnic, legal, political and educational groups with which people may identify. We hope both to educate and to cultivate an attitude towards others marked by a generosity of spirit and acceptance. We will set a new precedent for those who come after us, in the hopes that one day a group such as ours will not be a necessity, but rather a cultural norm— an accepted facet of everyday life for every citizen of the world.”

Aragon High School, San Mateo, California

“We, the members and officers of the Aragon High School Gay Straight Alliance, exist for the purpose of creating a safer school environment for LGBT people. We strive to protect the LGBT students and their straight allies from harassment, abuse, and mistreatment. Aside from working diligently to improve the school environment, the GSA also puts emphasis on changing the community in our ultimate goal of ending homophobia. We will create an environment in which it is safe for people to express themselves, their individuality and/or their sexuality without consequence or judgment. Together, we, the members of the GSA promise to do our best to create a peaceful alliance between LGBT students and straight students.”

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