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Standing Up for Free Speech: We Couldn't Have Said It Better Ourselves

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May 27, 2010

Today, Conor Friedersdorf at True/Slant parses a particular complaint made about the ACLU: that we didn't come to the aid of a group of California high school students who were sent home for wearing American flag T-shirts on Cinco de Mayo. He cites no less than 12 outlets that levied the same charge against us.

But as Friedersdorf points out, we most certainly did take action against this violation of those students' free speech rights. As we blogged earlier, the ACLU of Northern California sent a letter (PDF) to the schools superintendent reminding him of students' free speech rights, which includes wearing T-shirts with the American flag. And Friedersdorf also cites four more examples in which the ACLU has defended people's right to wear attire adorned with the flag.

The ACLU: Defending your rights, even when people don't notice.

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