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State Department Says that Kerim Yildiz to Get a Visa!

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October 3, 2011

Great news! This morning, the State Department notified U.K. national Kerim Yildiz, the executive director of the Kurdish Human Rights Project, that it would issue him a visa to travel to the U.S. We’re hoping that the visa will be issued quickly so that Mr. Yildiz will be able to collect the Gruber Justice Prize later this week.

We blogged about Yildiz's problem getting a visa on last month; the New York Times ran a story about Yildiz on Friday.

“We’re very pleased that the State Department is taking this step,” said Jameel Jaffer, Deputy Legal Director of the ACLU. “Mr. Yildiz is a respected human rights advocate and the United States should be supporting his work, not inhibiting it.”

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